Supernatural - "Various and Sundry Villains" - Season 13 Episode 12 Review

By Kaylynn Kasandra

Source: The CW

Finally! We are seeing the dysfunctional band together again. Well, partially anyways. It was nice to see the two witch Sisters lead to the return of one of my favorite Supernatural villains: Rowena!  It was also nice to see the softer, funny side to Dean while under the love spell as well. I enjoy when the actors get to break character a bit within the show and their goofy side shows through. It makes you see how much they really do enjoy making the show, thus making it even more enjoyable. And I have to say, of all the shows I watch, this one stands out the most in that regard.

Source: The CW

As always, I was very excited to see Castiel again. Even if he was at the side of Lucifer in Angel jail. I always love when they work together, and it wasn’t surprising to see them work together to escape. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures and Cas needed to play the game to be able to get free. He knew exactly what to say to trigger Lucifer. He had brought up so many things about Jack he knew Lucifer would be upset about, but the one thing I personally wish he had said, he didn’t. He missed out on a major opportunity to mention that Jack looks way more like him than he does Lucifer. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, right? I was just glad to see that Castiel parted ways with Lucifer once out. I just hope him stabbing him isn’t going to come back to hurt him later. If Castiel had really learned from his mistakes he wouldn’t have given Lucifer reason for revenge. Am I right?

Source: The CW

Speaking of revenge, it’s beyond clear that that is what is truly on Rowena’s mind. Considering her reaction when the guys had told her that her one and only child was dead, I think she is pulling out the big guns. I could be wrong, but I would imagine that it’s the spell she cast using the page she conned Sam out of. She had claimed she had put a spell on the book to follow it. But, she had done that before she found out Crowley was dead. My assumption is, she already knew about Crowley’s death. It would make sense being a witch she had some sort of spell over her son. She had to have had been aware somehow when he met his demise.

Source: The CW

I don’t doubt that she fears Lucifer, but she is Rowena. She is a master manipulator, and survivor. I highly doubt that she is really going to go up against Lucifer if she has a choice. It would make more sense that she would increase her power for more selfish reasons. Like, maybe bringing Crowley back? It could be a coincidence that the Witch girls were trying to bring their mom back using the book. But, my hunch was that that was Rowena’s plan the whole time. She knew that would fail, she would still get the book, and off them anyways. It is also possible she planned to do that in front of the Winchesters to seem like she had their back. Crowley learned his schemes from somewhere.

I also think we see some other foreshadowing with Sam at the end of this episode. I think that he will have to go up against this newer, stronger, Rowena. I really want to trust that she won’t blame the Winchesters for her son’s sacrifice, but I can’t be sure.

I just hope that the next episode we can address some of the loose ends left for us at the start of this season. I mean, what happen to the other reality Archangel Michael? Are Mary and Jack okay? I really need to know. Let’s hope we will get answers soon.

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra. Awkward hippie who enjoys helping people, creating things, reading, sci-fi, fantasy, and Thor. Find more from her at