The X-Files - "Ghouli" - Season 11 Episode 5 Review

By Kaylynn Kasandra

Source: Fox

I’d be lying to say my heart didn’t ache watching Scully in this episode. It’s obvious she is still recovering from her time in the hospital. She’s trying to cope while also trying to fully understand her new intuitive skill set. For me, it was hard to watch her spilling her heart out at the side of a presumed-to-be-dead body. Mulder seemed to feel the same way. He didn’t look too comfortable when he was comforting her after witnessing her breakdown. I can’t blame him either. It’s so hard to see Scully without her head in the game. She is so distracted by her love for William that it appeared she wasn’t seeing all the pieces in the case that they were working on. But as we saw, she was way more in tune than anyone.

Source: Fox

I for one was not surprised to see the smoking man was right at Skinner’s side yet again. This guy controls way too much! Of course this case goes back to him and his alien hybrid nonsense. But for some reason I still wasn’t expecting Scully to be right about who William is. I was just glad see how quickly Mulder connected the dots after talking to Skinner about the hybrids. He doesn’t ever miss a thing!

Source: Fox

I found I really liked that being a hybrid, William has the same powers as some Aliens are said to have. He too can control what is projected to others, whether that be emotions or visions. Being a teenager, regardless of his Alien biology, it makes sense William would abuse said power. It’s just sad it had to be involving two innocent girls he was dating. Yeah, I said two girls. Not a good look there, William. It’s sad to me after all this build up to reveal who William is, he’s a big douche. All this teenage drama because he couldn’t date just one girl. Let that be a lesson to all of you out there. He drew the DOD and DOJ in and caused his adoptive parents’ demise all because he wanted to play with his powers.

Source: Fox

I think he’s proving to be a pretty selfish kid. It’s sad that even after psychically reaching out to Scully he denied her the chance to see him for who he is. Yeah, she got to talk to him when he was ‘dead’ but that’s pretty messed up. That’s a parent’s worst nightmare. I can understand that he feels he needs to be alone, but he should see his mom is playing on the right team. To have sent her all those visions has to prove he trusts her on some level. But, something tells me he doesn’t trust Mulder.

Source: Fox

It’s pretty suspect that he only talked to her when she was alone. Once in front of the hospital, another at the place he sent her to when Mulder was inside. I really hope that changes. It’s not Mulder’s fault that he isn’t his real dad. It’s also not Mulder’s fault that his real dad is a creep. He can’t pick that either.

I feel like we have a long way to go in terms of the plot. I don’t think we will be seeing William again anytime soon. I hope I’m wrong about that though. Because as messed up as his creation story may be, I want to know more about him. And, I want to know how much he knows about himself.

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra. Awkward hippie who enjoys helping people, creating things, reading, sci-fi, fantasy, and Thor. Find more from her at

Supernatural - "Various and Sundry Villains" - Season 13 Episode 12 Review

By Kaylynn Kasandra

Source: The CW

Finally! We are seeing the dysfunctional band together again. Well, partially anyways. It was nice to see the two witch Sisters lead to the return of one of my favorite Supernatural villains: Rowena!  It was also nice to see the softer, funny side to Dean while under the love spell as well. I enjoy when the actors get to break character a bit within the show and their goofy side shows through. It makes you see how much they really do enjoy making the show, thus making it even more enjoyable. And I have to say, of all the shows I watch, this one stands out the most in that regard.

Source: The CW

As always, I was very excited to see Castiel again. Even if he was at the side of Lucifer in Angel jail. I always love when they work together, and it wasn’t surprising to see them work together to escape. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures and Cas needed to play the game to be able to get free. He knew exactly what to say to trigger Lucifer. He had brought up so many things about Jack he knew Lucifer would be upset about, but the one thing I personally wish he had said, he didn’t. He missed out on a major opportunity to mention that Jack looks way more like him than he does Lucifer. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, right? I was just glad to see that Castiel parted ways with Lucifer once out. I just hope him stabbing him isn’t going to come back to hurt him later. If Castiel had really learned from his mistakes he wouldn’t have given Lucifer reason for revenge. Am I right?

Source: The CW

Speaking of revenge, it’s beyond clear that that is what is truly on Rowena’s mind. Considering her reaction when the guys had told her that her one and only child was dead, I think she is pulling out the big guns. I could be wrong, but I would imagine that it’s the spell she cast using the page she conned Sam out of. She had claimed she had put a spell on the book to follow it. But, she had done that before she found out Crowley was dead. My assumption is, she already knew about Crowley’s death. It would make sense being a witch she had some sort of spell over her son. She had to have had been aware somehow when he met his demise.

Source: The CW

I don’t doubt that she fears Lucifer, but she is Rowena. She is a master manipulator, and survivor. I highly doubt that she is really going to go up against Lucifer if she has a choice. It would make more sense that she would increase her power for more selfish reasons. Like, maybe bringing Crowley back? It could be a coincidence that the Witch girls were trying to bring their mom back using the book. But, my hunch was that that was Rowena’s plan the whole time. She knew that would fail, she would still get the book, and off them anyways. It is also possible she planned to do that in front of the Winchesters to seem like she had their back. Crowley learned his schemes from somewhere.

I also think we see some other foreshadowing with Sam at the end of this episode. I think that he will have to go up against this newer, stronger, Rowena. I really want to trust that she won’t blame the Winchesters for her son’s sacrifice, but I can’t be sure.

I just hope that the next episode we can address some of the loose ends left for us at the start of this season. I mean, what happen to the other reality Archangel Michael? Are Mary and Jack okay? I really need to know. Let’s hope we will get answers soon.

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra. Awkward hippie who enjoys helping people, creating things, reading, sci-fi, fantasy, and Thor. Find more from her at

Supernatural - "Breakdown" - Season 13 Episode 11 Review

By Kaylynn Kasandra

Source: CW

We already knew we would be seeing Donna again. What I wasn’t expecting was to see her niece Wendy be the reason. I can’t be the only one who found it creepy that the gas pumped that denied Wendy’s card sounded a lot like the man who was talking when she walked inside. Not a good omen for her at all! As predicted, it didn’t take long for some bad stuff to go down. Wendy found herself stranded, and quickly kidnapped. At first it wasn’t that clear who the perpetrator was. The lair Wendy was in was very serial killer like, rather than reeking of the typical monster stuff.

Being that they were on Donna’s turf it made it a little bit more complicated. Her little Dougie Bear as she so affectionately called him was right there as the case unraveled. He was worried about her, and rightfully so as she wasn’t herself. But, little did he know, he would become the one they needed to worry about once the truth behind the case came out. It seemed the guys were duped into thinking they were working side by side with the real FBI.

Source: CW

Little did they know, this FBI agent was the mind behind the video auctions they found. The monster in the case was actually human who had found money in selling humans to monsters. A fresh concept I welcomed having enjoyed this derailment from the typical. He followed the serial killer M.O. having justified his actions by saying he only used those who wouldn’t be missed. A very familiar reasoning used by serial killers. He also declared he knew who the Winchesters were as soon as he saw their car. That’s something I have thought about many times in the past. As beautiful a car as it may be, it gives them away. There is no doubt that the monsters all know what car to look for, as does anyone who wants to find them. But, I digress.

It wasn’t surprising to me to see we couldn’t get through this episode without one of the Winchester’s strapped to the table and put to auction. But in true Winchester style, Dean came in at the perfect moment and saved Sam. Creepy auction guy was shot and we think we are going to get a happy ending, but of course we don’t. Instead, we are witness to Donna’s heartbreak. Apparently her little Dougie Bear can’t hang with the monster stuff. And really can you blame the guy? He was a vampire, even if just briefly.

Source: CW

I have to agree with Dean though, Sam was a bit harsh with her. And it doesn’t seem like his sour attitude will be changing anytime soon. He made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t see anything good coming of their lives. And we all know when Sam gets in these super emo moods he makes really bad choices that puts them both in danger. So, this should be really interesting to watch unravel. I wonder if this is when we will see the guys part ways soon. That seems to be the pattern for them when one of them is being overly brooding and emotional.

I’m just glad after last week’s forced Wayward Sister’s premiere we got to see the guys in action. I just hope we get to see Castiel and the rest of the missing clan soon. That will be the only thing to bring Sam out of this crazy funk he is in.

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra. Awkward hippie who enjoys helping people, creating things, reading, sci-fi, fantasy, and Thor. Find more from her at