Supernatural - "War of the Worlds" - Season 13 Episode 7 Recap and Review

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra

Source: The CW

It seems as though we may have yet another villain on our hands. In the parallel universe Mary and Lucifer are trapped, and it seems Archangel Michael may not be the highly respected Angel we are familiar with. Is it possible for him to be sadistic? Because he certainly seems to fit the bill. I was quite amused to see this universe has a Kevin, I missed him, even if he does help this creepy Michael take Lucifer’s grace. Given the fact we still need to find out what the heck happened to Jack, and I don’t see that happening soon. Asmodeus definitely hasn’t given up his search for him. And now the guys have discovered that Ketch may be back in the game too? Yikes, this is getting crazy. But, nothing is too surprising in the Supernatural world. And here I go, rooting for Lucifer again. I found myself silently cheering as he made his escape from that universe, and their twisted version of Michael.

Source: The CW

Just when I was hoping to get answers about Mary we see a witch reach out to the guys with news of Ketch. He’s been slaughtering women in search of Rowena. We all know she’s dead, so this lead me to believe perhaps this is a clone of Ketch, and possible the BML has a slew of such clones, waiting to take his place. Then when it came back from commercial, all my questions are answered when we find out Ketch was a Twin, Alexander. And as his brother Alexander confesses, the Ketch we know was the Donnie Osmond of the family. We also learned that this twin left the school for the BML to kill monsters, becoming a hunter in his own right.

Source: The CW

The plot twist I wasn't expecting? Lucifer coming to save Castiel. They came to try to strong-arm Castiel into helping them enslave Jack into a life of creating Angels. We obviously know Castiel would have willingly died fighting the angels to protect Jack from that. Lucifer’s time in the other universe seems to have softened him up a bit. He seems to not be as self-serving as he has been in the past. He is still manipulative, but he wouldn’t be Lucifer if he wasn’t. But I’m glad he sees the evil in that other Michael. I just hope that Castiel helps him, because dang, he’s right. If this Michael makes it to our universe everyone is screwed. I really wish we knew what the heck was cloaking Jack. Nobody can sense this kid. It makes me wonder if maybe God finally came back? But I sincerely doubt that considering it’s been so long.

Sam seriously needs a hobby though, because come on. Jack has barely been gone five minutes and he already has a new project. He seems to have taken the same, soft, protective role over the new Ketch. Dean, well, he could care less.

Source: The CW

I was really looking forward to the showdown between Lucifer and Asmodeus but without his grace, Lucifer might as well submit and save himself the fight. It’s a good thing the guys weren’t too far behind their trail though. But of course, it’s never easy. In this instance, while taking on some demons, were nearly defeated. But new Ketch came just in time to save the day, further making Dean question his back story. And he was right to do so. His story was complete crap, it was Ketch. Rowena had done the same spell for him as she had used on herself to keep coming back from the dead. Just when I was beginning to believe Ketch was telling the truth about being a good guy, we see him on team Asmodeus. Really? That guy is in the fight for who is the bigger jerk with this other Michael. So let’s hope those two take each other down and leave Cas out. I mean seriously, we just got him back. I can take him being imprisoned by Asmodeus but, he better not get sent into the nothingness again.

Written by Kaylynn Kasandra. Awkward hippie who enjoys helping people, creating things, reading, sci-fi, fantasy, and Thor. Find more from her at and